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Peel and Reveal Labels – The Clever Design

A peel and reveal label is a label consisting of multiple layers, with a top layer that can be easily removed to reveal the information contained on the layer beneath. These small labels can be applied on any type of product and they have great informative and marketing potential as well. Peel and reveal can help you save on high packaging costs while maintaining a unique and pleasant product design that perfectly matches your brand. By using Peel and Reveal, you can keep your label looking clean and interesting while also providing additional content behind a peel-away window.

Peel and reveal labels have a simple appearance with a sophisticated function. They take up as much physical space as a regular label but are able to hold much more text. Peel and reveal labels are the perfect choice when you need to include a great deal of information in a small amount of space. Overcrowding can often be a problem on labels of small products. Not only does a large amount of information make the product less aesthetically pleasing, but it also means that the font has to be smaller, and therefore much less noticeable.

In the last few years, the amount of essential regulatory information required on products can be seen to have increased. This means that promotional text, instructions and any multi-lingual information can often be left competing for space. It is not ideal for important sales information to be displaced because regulatory information has to take priority. However, with peel and reveal labels this issue of space is solved.

These labels have especially been embraced by many companies in the food industry who wish to provide additional information, such as a recipe suggestion, on their products. The pharmaceutical industry has also been quick to adopt these labels. This is because when it comes to pharmaceutical products, there is a large amount of product information and instructions relating to the safe use of that product, alongside storage instructions and potential side effects, that legally must be included on the packaging. Further information, such as details of the manufacturer and the licence holder are also often legally required to be displayed on pharmaceutical products.

The food and pharmaceutical industries are certainly not the only ones to be taking advantage of these labels. The additional space that peel and reveal labels provide makes them perfect for offering money off coupons, promoting competitions and show-casing other special offers. Because of this, they are useful to practically every industry that sells their products in a retail environment.